Tuesday 2 January 2018

12 Questions with Ryan J. Mathias (Mathias Method)

1) Who is Mathias Method? 

My name is Ryan J. Mathias and I am the owner and creator of the Mathias Method (MathiasMethod.com). I am a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer, with a Degree in Exercise Science from California State University-Sacramento (CSUS). I’m also a competitive powerlifter and lead my own Strength Team, the STRENGTH WARRIORS (MathiasMethod.com/strength-warriors/). I am a 3rd Degree Black Belt, with numerous martial art Grand Champion and World Championship Titles (2007-2010, 2013-2014, 2016), and continue to teach martial arts to all ages today.

The Mathias Method was developed over my many successes and failures throughout my broad training experiences. I put my knowledge to use by offering FREE information to everyone through my website (MathiasMethod.com), and helping anyone, willing to put in the work, to get stronger.

I have grown up, and currently live, in Grass Valley, CA training alongside my Team at Ironworks Gym.

2) How many years have you been training?

I have over 12 years of training experience, utilizing many different training styles, including powerlifting, bodyweight strength training (calisthenics), running, Olympic weight lifting, and bodybuilding.

It started with being encouraged to do push-ups and other exercises as a kid, by my dad, and grew into trying to get stronger for martial arts. Then I began to love getting stronger, as I started training with weights in high school. I fell in love with the atmosphere, self-discipline, and benefits of strength training. I have never stopped since.

You can read my complete Strength Journey, with all the successes, failures, and funny details, at MathiasMethod.com/my-strength-journey-story/.

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part(s) of your journey so far and how have you overcome them?

Resting. The hardest thing for me has been to just slow down and not go so hard. I have always been one to put everything I have into everything I do, and training is no different.

There was a time where I would do a really hard workout at the gym, only to come home that night and do another very challenging calisthenic workout, because I thought more was better. It got to where I was hurting myself a lot more than I was helping, but I didn't know that. It has been hard to try and hold myself back at times to where I need to just back off a little before I get injured…again. At one point I broke my back, not directly from weight training, but it was a major factor. I wasn't caring for my body enough and eventually it just gave out on me. In the end, it was the best thing that could have happened to me, because I learned so much from having everything taken away from me. When I came back to lifting I had to learn things over again, and now I am SO much stronger, because I did things smarter the second time around.

You don’t need to wait until you have a major injury to reevaluate what you’re doing. Take the time and take care of your body, so that you don't hold yourself back by going too hard, as I did. It is important to be intense and work hard, but you also need to put that same intensity into your recovery and overall body care. If you break, then everything stops. If you think you’re going crazy by missing a workout now, just imagine having to lay in a bed for 5 weeks doing nothing. THAT is what would really drive you crazy!

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like?

I follow the Mathias Method STRENGTH SYSTEM that I created. In short, The Mathias Method is a System, not a Training Program. It is a Systematic approach to Strength Training that allows you to stay Healthy, Improve your Performance, and get Stronger; all while moving towards your specific training goals. 

By only focusing on strength, many other functions, such as running, jumping and moving properly, can be negatively effected when not practiced. So I incorporate all aspects of training to become a complete strength athlete.

The Mathias Method teaches you how to Warm-Up Properly for your training session, Activate the proper muscle groups to function properly, Move Properly, train for strength, to Build Muscle, Condition, and Mobilize so that nothing can hold you back from Changing Your World!

The Mathias Method focuses on Strength, because Strength is the basis for all other training goals. By getting stronger it is easier to lose weight, build muscle, look aesthetic, be healthy, decrease injury, move athletically, increase performance, run faster, jump higher and more! By getting stronger it is so much easier and faster to obtain these other goals. So, we first focus on improving your strength so that you can better obtain your goals. We also emphasize proper movement patterns and lifting technique through the Daily 30 (MathiasMethod.com/daily-30-exercise-routine/) and our Exercise Descriptions on MathiasMethod.com/main-lifts/

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition?

Regarding training, this past year I have, been reminded about how taking steps back can help you push farther forward in the long run.When working with extreme weights and high intensity, mistakes can happen, leading to set backs.

While preparing for Reebok’s March Madness 2017 Powerlifting Meet, I suffered a minor injury during a heavy squat session. It was a slight muscle tear that occurred in my right lateral quadriceps, just 4 weeks before the meet. With it being a minor injury I kept training as usual and did the meet anyway. I do not regret that I did the meet, but as expected, the injury got worse. My right leg started to protect itself by decreasing function. My squat form changed slightly to avoid painful positions causing my strength to suffer. To correct the issue, I’ve needed to go back to the basics of 5x5 training for my squats. I focus on slow negatives and standing explosively. Since, things have improved, but there’s still more work to do as I build my strength back up. So, no matter how much experience you have, always be able to take a step back to push yourself forward.

Regarding lifestyle, I have learned to prioritize my training higher. I have goals and I had to make my training a greater priority, sometimes over my job, in order to reach them. If you have goals, make sure they are a priority!

Regarding nutrition, I have learned 2 things recently. Though I have studied nutrition for years, there is always more to learn, such as: the importance of some vitamins in regards to training and recovery; We know that by being active we need more vitamins, minerals and overall nutrients for performance and recovery. Specifically calcium, sodium, magnesium, and zinc are important. 

- Calcium is important for strong bones, but it is also vital for muscle contraction. Our muscles need calcium in order to contract, and calcium is released with every muscle contraction; including in the heart. 

- Sodium helps to retain water for hydration, prevents cramps, allows for muscle contraction, and is used to send nerve impulses (neuromuscular). Lacking sodium greatly decreases overall performance. 

- Magnesium is great for preventing muscle cramps, regulates your heart beat, and is a structural component used to build new muscle cells. 

- Zinc helps with recovery as it is essential for hormone regulation, nutrient absorption, and insulin management. If you are low on zinc, everything suffers. 

When doing a re-feed during the 24 hours before a powerlifting meet, consume fluids first, then only have fast digesting foods until you regain your weight. This year I had a major weight cut (13lbs) that I did before Reebok’s March Madness 2017 powerlifting meet in order to qualify for the 220lb/100kg weight class. Though I had cut many times before, this was by far the most I have done for a weight cut. Cutting out the water weight was not much more difficult than previous meets, but when regaining the weight I made some crucial mistakes that made it much harder. First, I consumed only 1 Liter of water before having a meal when I should have had at least 2 Liters, that included some valuable nutrients. This would have allowed for faster recovery and easier digestion with my meals after. Then I consumed too much fat during my re-feed meals that made for slow digestion. In you re-feed meals it is important to have fast digesting foods that do not slow down your digestion in order to recover fastest. I tried refueling with steak, potatoes, Reese’s and Ice Cream, that all made for slow digestion. I should have had most of my meals as something like rice and chicken, so that they would digest faster and not keep me up all night feeling overly full. In the end, I had a good meet with good numbers, but I should have thought ahead more about what I was recovering with. Now I know!

6) Whats your favorite cheat/Treat meal?

I love ice cream! I’m not too picky, but I prefer the “Slow Churned” ones with half the fat and less calories. The really fatty ones tend to be too much for my liking, and tend to sit in my stomach for a long time. Also, I’m a huge fan of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in all forms! I’m kind of a Chocolate Monster and most treats I have include chocolate. Though there was a period in which I had ice cream every night (I was trying to gain/maintain a little weight and my activity level made it hard without some extra help), I do not have it as often now. If I do have a treat, I have just half a container of the Halo Top ice cream that would be only 140-160 calories in total.

7) one supplement that you could not live without?

I don't take any supplements, other than protein, but even that I don’t depend on or “need”. I’m not against everyone taking supplements, as some have their uses, I just get my nutrients from food and track it that way. To me, supplements are only necessary if you are lacking something. That is originally why they were made…for hospital patients that were deficient in specific nutrients and needed the supplement to get more than they were from their diet. At that time it was like taking medicine to recover from illness. It helped you when you needed it, then you corrected your diet so that you didn't need the medicine/supplement anymore.

8) If you had to start out from scratch with your physique what would you do differently and why?

If I had to start all over again (I wish I could), I would follow the Mathias Method STRENGTH SYSTEM outlined on my website MathiasMethod.com! I made the System I wish I would have had when I first started. I began long ago with little to no guidance and made MANY mistakes that could have been avoided with just a little help. Due to all my failures and successes I experienced a lot that now allows me to help others avoid my mistakes. I am now on a mission to help others get stronger. I want to help others gain the strength they need in order to change their world, because strength builds confidence and confidence allowed you to chase your dreams!

9) Who do you look up to in the fitness industry and why?

I admire the drive and motivation of many individuals within the fitness industry; including Elliot Hulse (Strength Camp), Omar Isuf, Ryan Milton (Functional Flex), and Mark Bell (Mark Bell’s Slingshot and The SuperTraining Gym).

I began watching Elliot Hulse’s YouTube videos back when I started college. He had a lot of great information that helped me and motivated me to pursue a degree in Exercise Science. Through his videos I found others in the fitness industry like Omar Isuf who also had tons of great information to offer. I then came across an old hometown friend, Ryan Milton, and saw how great he was doing in the industry! If you haven’t checked out FunctionalFlex.com you’re missing out!

Eventually I came across Mark Bell and saw that his gym was in Sacramento, CA only a few hours from my house! Soon after I went to his gym and was welcomed openly. I was very excited and was honored to train there whenever I could. I continue to find admirable individuals within the fitness industry and hope to meet many more along my Strength Journey!

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be? 

Love it. Love what you do. If you don’t love it, you won’t stick to it and nothing will change. If you want to change your world, you need the drive of loving what you do to persevere through until you change your world!

For a long time there will likely be more hard days than easy ones, but if you push past, YOU CAN make a difference and help others along the way. Love it, and push through until you surpass your goals! When training, it is important to start out building strength first. I’ve seen so many people, myself included, spend multiple years doing bodybuilding or machine/random exercise focused routines trying to go straight for their ultimate goal before building a base of strength first. Without the strength to back up your muscle building, or other goals, it will be much harder to reach them. Everyone can benefit from getting stronger. If you build that base, then you can chase after any goal you want, and achieve it much faster. Start with a basic routine that builds strength, such as one of the many FREE Programs we offer on MathiasMethod.com, then evolve your training over time to meet your specific goals.

11) What new goals are on the horizon?

To Change The World is our ultimate goal, and we will reach it someday. Of course there are many smaller goals that we must reach along the way. At Mathias Method we are constantly improving and creating new ways to reach more people. We want to add tons more information to our website (MathiasMethod.com), create more YouTube videos, expand our Strength Team, bring in more apparel, and increase our overall reach to the masses. Currently we have added a few of our eBooks to Amazon.com Kindle Store, and have more on the way!

We know that we cannot change the world alone, so we want to help as many people as we can to change their world, so that together we can change the world forever. No matter what your goals are, or how many you achieve, make sure that you always push for more. Be proud of your small achievements, but never be fully satisfied. 

When we stop chasing our dreams we stop living. Always push for more and never give up, no matter what stands in your way!

12) Where can people find you? 

Website: MathiasMethod.com
Email: ryan@mathiasmethod.com
Social Media: @MathiasMethod @StrengthJourneyLeader

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................