Thursday 24 May 2018

12 Questions With CrossFit Athlete/Olympic Weightlifter Ryan Rapenport

1) Who is Ryan Rapenport? (where are you from, what do you do, a bit about yourself (hobbies, etc)

I grew up in Columbus, OH and attended THE Ohio State University. Currently I live downtown Chicago, IL and work in medical device sales. I'm in the interventional/surgical oncology industry where I am helping physicians literally kill cancer on a daily basis. Its pretty incredible. Fitness and nutrition have always been my main hobby. Outside of that you can find me traveling the world and making sure my french bulldog, Boss, has the best life imaginable! haha.

2) How many years have you been training?

I wrestled most of my life and once I walked away from the sport in college I realized I needed something to fill the competitive void. I decided to get into bodybuilding and did my first show in 2005. I did a few more throughout the years before qualifying for NPC Nationals in 2008. Around that time I really started to realize how unhealthy, destructive, and "fake fitness" that sport really was (think otherwise? prove me wrong.) At this point I was "lost" with fitness. Fitness, health and nutrition were always such a passion for me so I needed something. I craved it. Luckily I was introduced to CrossFit in 2010 by Rogue Fitness which later changed to CrossFit Grandview. I instantly fell in love. I was getting my ass kicked while at the same time pushing myself and competing with others. I moved to Chicago in 2011 and from there started to get more competitive with my training. After a few trips to regionals I got into the spot of Grid where I was signed by the Phoenix Rise in the National Pro Grid League. In 2016 we won the championship which still to this day was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Unfortunately, due to lots of financial and marketing mismanagement, the league has seemingly died. I took the 2018 season "off" of CrossFit and have instead decided to take up weightlifting. I hope to due my first meet this summer. I'll likely pick competitive CrossFit back up in the next year or so and make a run at 35-40 Masters in 2020.

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)

Really the hardest part has been balancing life, a full time career, and training. I found my "groove" with this sport later in life. I first went to regionals at age 30 (old man!) and unfortunately this sport wasn't really around when I was younger. That being said, I have dealt with many injuries from the wear and tear on my body. When I was heavy into competing, it was a new injury every week it seemed. The only thing that really helped was taking significant time and volume off of my training. Now that I'm just weightlifting, my body seems to be feeling much better.

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like?

I've always followed some sort of meal plan/regime. it helps keep me structured. Currently I work with MacroStax and I absolutely love it. I use Trifecta for most of my food which has saved me a tremendous amount of time. It feels nice not having to meal prep all Sunday! I strongly suggest checking them out to anyone who works full time or has commitments outside of working out all day. You will really appreciate the convenience! Use the link in my instagram bio to find more information.

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition?

Being in this for a long time it's really funny to see how the industry changed. I remember having meal plans with things like "1 can tuna (washed) 10 pieces asparagus 5 almonds." Like, what in the actual HELL! Really now its all about eating to perform and recover. This was something 6 years ago that was very foreign to me. I've also learned the importance of mobility, accessory and maintenance work. I'm usually rushed to get my training done so have neglected this stuff for a long time. I paid the price. Make the time and your body will thank you.

6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?

I think it depends what mood I'm in. This weekend I had indian and Chinese food.

7) one supplement that you could not live without?

Thats tough. 10 Performance's "Recover Pro" Vibrant Health's "Green Vibrance" and FITAID.

8) If you had to start out from scratch with your physique what would you do differently and why?

I would put a heavy emphasis on gymnastics and mobility. Having that shoulder and overhead mobility is a precious thing. Coming from wrestling and bodybuilding, I started off being stronger than most in CrossFit. It was all the technique work that took a while to come. Think about your first snatch, lol.

9) Who do you look upto in the fitness industry and why?

I applaud everyone who manages to successfully compete at the highest level while juggling a career, family etc. To me, thats harder than anything else.

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?

Don't be discouraged! The technique, form, heavier weight and higher reps all come with time. Build your strong foundation and build upon that. Don't go hoping to "max out" everyday. Its about consistency and I've seen so many people get injured from losing sight of that.

11) What new goals are on the horizon?

I'm looking to do my first weightlifting meet this summer and qualify for nationals. I would love to do a national meet and see how far I can take it. In 2020 I am going to make a run at CrossFit Masters (35-40) and masters for weightlifting as well. My main priority right now is life and work. Enjoying every aspect I can. Traveling as much as I can. Will be eventually moving out to Southern California as my girlfriend moved out there over the fall.

12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts)

@teamryanrap on instagram

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................