Saturday 27 November 2021

12 Questions with Coach and Athlete Nick Shappee

1) Who is Nick Shappee? (where are you from, what do you do, a bit about yourself, hobbies, etc) 

First off it’s an honor to be surrounded by some awesome people on this page!!!

I am from Bluffton, South Carolina and my wife Megan and my son Gunner live in a beautiful house and new business owners right between Hilton Head island and Savannah, GA. Been here for about 20yrs after moving from Hawaii (I’m a southerner now). I am 33yo, I am Filipino and Italian. I am the Owner of Gunner Strength: Athletic Performance and Personal Training. Weekends I like to mow my lawn and enjoy a nice beer with friends and family. I compete in the Florida Grid league for the Real winners, GAINSVILLE WILD BABY! 

2) How many years have you been training? (Including how you got started, etc) 

I have been working out since I was 11. I was always the small runt and got picked on a lot. My long time friend Marques noticed that and told me to start sticking up for myself. I started working out religiously and used the strength in everything and anyone that messed with me I would just fight them. Back story, my mom actually started me on protein smoothies and shakes. I would drink them everyday because I was so active and always working out. Fast forward I went to Limestone University to wrestle D2 and was getting my ass kicked badly. I changed my major to strength and conditioning and that changed things a lot. 

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome) 

The most difficult part of my fitness journey was finding balance between building a business and family. I’ve had back injuries, hernia, shoulder etc. but nothing has been more tough on my life than that. Period. Still to this day I am learning. It’s tough. But I am actively working on it and understanding what is more important in my life. 

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like? (With any particular protocols you rate).
This is my second most difficult part of my journey. The FGL season sits right in the summer when kids are out of school and me being slammed busy. I was lucky to get a 20-30min workout in. My food intake was managed by tropical smoothie cafe and when I had a chance some good old fashion meat and rice meal prepping from my bodybuilding days. It was tough and I could have been more prepared but at the time I was too focused on business. 

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition? (And How has it changed your focus for the future) 

I took a biomechanics/ human performance certification at DBC Miami. If you don’t know them or their standards I’d highly suggest following them and the owner @davidalexander. They are changing the game and have opened my mind for the future as a trainer and business owner. When your knowledge is science based it is hard to beat and not get the quality results. Remember, we are all just sub-par coaches from the pioneers such as Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky or A.V Hill. As for nutrition I’m just happy I went full send into the natural bodybuilding world a couple years ago and learned a ton about how nutrition works for me from my coach Calvin Williams. 

I know what portions look like and which food helped me perform at my best while keeping inflammation down. I live and breath fitness and it has been my lifestyle since I was a kid. It’s the only way to have credibility as a business owner in the over saturated fitness industry besides getting results. The future holds what you’ve been putting time into. Stay on top of your passion and in your lane. And when things start to feel stagnant take a vacation. You’ll come back with so many ideas that will blast you forward. 

6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?
Anything fresh baked chocolate chip cookies or brownie with ice cream. LETS GO! I’d also go for a buttery salty medium rare filet and Old fashion to sip on.

7) Whats one supplement that you could not live without? 

Tough question. I use a couple companies for certain things I absolutely need (not sponsored and never have been) but @purium super aminos 23 is incredible for my recovery and keep muscle on me, so much it’s auto shipped monthly. Next is @earthfedmuscle protein, they have like 5 ingredients on the nutrition deck and taste phenomenal. I use it as a creamer in my coffee or in my oatmeal. Lastly since I’m constantly having a last minute workout getting some quality carbs in from @tenperformance, lifesaver! 

8) If you had to start your Journey from scratch with both your health & physique what would you do differently and why? 

I don’t have much I’d change. I think I went about it the right way. If anything I would have loved to go to an elite training center for my summers during college breaks or worked with along side a professional team. Just to surround myself with higher level knowledgeable people and environment. Lastly , had put more time into proper nutrition to cut weight for wrestling in college or even high school. If you know you know. Either way it sucks. But anything would have helped. 

9) Who do you look upto in the fitness industry and why?   

A great place to start with that would be my cousin Ronnie or @Ra_of_earth, he looked at fitness and life with a big scope and went to see how things were for himself. I looked up to him since I was young because he played hockey as I did and got into crossfit and I followed that years later. If you don’t know him he was pretty damn awesome at it. I remember him speaking about the crossfit open and how it was just about managing pain. He would purposely run barefoot in the LA holla and alley ways to build and tolerate pain. 

There was obviously a lot more to it but he got to saying. All year you worked on wall balls, box jumps, burpees, Olympic lifts to build your work capacity and efficiency and that trying to do more of it just before the open didn’t make any sense especially if you’ve done it for years. Pain management was key. It’s going to hurt. Just go! you’ll feel better when it’s done. 

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be? 

Know that you need a couple years of basic movements, lifts and finding consistency. Fitness longevity needs to be treated like a light dimmer instead of an on/off switch. 

11) What new goals do you have on the horizon? 

Build my business, and get started in BJJ and compete. 

12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts) 

Facebook- Nick SHappee
business- @gunnerstrength
Personal- Nick.Shappee

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................