Sunday 15 December 2019

12 Questions with CrossFit Athlete Thuri Helgadottir

1) Who is Thuri Helgadottir? (where are you from, what do you do, a bit about yourself (hobbies, etc)

I am a crossfit athlete from Iceland and have been living in Switzerland since December 2018. I have been in sports since I was 4 years old, started with dancing, unfortunately I quit that by 5 years old and started in Gymnastict because today I really wish I would be able to dance. Luckily my gymnastics background had really paid off for CrossFit, a sport I didn’t know that existed until I was 18 years old. When I quit gymnastics I started track and field and also practised soccer, there I loved the team spirit and still miss that a little bit doing CrossFit.

I went with a team to the Games my first time in 2011 and then again in 2014. I surprised myself my second year going for the first time as an individual at the European Regionals in 2012 and qualified to the Games, and have been there 5 times as an individual since.

2) How many years have you been training? (Including how you got started, etc)

My mom and my “litle” sister (she is actually a lot taller then me) told me that I would probably really like this CF thing they had been training for a couple of months. This was when I had really fu*ked up my knees playing soccer and was kinda giving up on track and field cause I couldn’t really attend training without feeling a lot of pain in my knees, so I was going to spinning classes @sporthusinu while they went to CF training @crossfitsport. Safe to say I got hooked the very first training session, and even with the wear and tear of the meniscus my knees have never been better after starting CF.

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)

There have been so many set backs and disappointments to list, I mean we wouldn’t be where we are without those challenges right?. I have learned something from all of my obstacles, injurises and disappointments and they have made me a stronger person.

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like? (With any particular protocols you rate).

I usually workout for around 2-3 hours (with mobility and warm up it is usually 3 hours) before noon. I like to have my second session as soon as possible so I just eat and come again in the afternoon. Then I am done before 4pm. Sometimes I like to use the day to run my errands or go to the store, sometimes I just want to take a nap. Then I train again in the evening. But I like to have my evenings to relax more, cook dinner and take a bath.

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition? (And How has it changed your focus for the future).

To take it one day at a time, make each training as good as I can. Sleep enough and eat enough.

6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?

Homemade Pizza and then I like to have some popcorn that I make unhealthy with Hucky Pulver. I also love chocolate and Ice cream.

7) Whats one supplement that you could not live without?

My foodspring Protein (and Creatine)

8) If you had to start your Journey from scratch with both your health & physique what would you do differently and why?

I am not sure, I think I would have made myself stop being such a pussy sooner and finish my goddem food. So I could gain muscle mass a litle bit faster.

9) Who do you look upto in the fitness industry and why?

I don’t have any Idol that I look up to, I think I just look up to a lot of different succesful, healthy people. No one name pops into my mind…

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right,

11) What new goals do you have on the horizon?

To qualify to the Games and/or the olympics in weightlifting.

12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts) 

@thurihelgadottir on instagram.

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................