Chyanne Eve is my name given to me at birth. I was born in Modesto, CA and was raised there in the Central Valley. Chyanne Eve LLC is my company I formed 3 years after being involved in the fitness industry. Prior to beginning my own business, I worked for ATT for 7 years. Some of my hobbies included surfing and spending time with my family. I love to cook (although, I'm not a chef).
2) How many years have you been training? (Including how you got started, etc)
I am going into my 6th year of training now. its crazy how time has flown by! The reason I began this journey was to simply get in the best shape of my life after giving birth to my son. I wanted to use competing in a bikini competition as a method to achieve my goal since I knew I had a lot of work to do (especially, after just giving birth). After stepping on stage and taking 3rd place in my first show, I was more ecstatic about being in better shape than I was prior to giving birth. it wasn't about the metal (for me). However, being on stage was fun and reminded me of the few runway modeling shows I participated in. I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to continue to compete, so I decided to compete in another show-to see if it's something I wanted to continue, despite the challenges it brought. Well, here I am today-still competing:)
3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)
The most challenging part of my journey in the first three years was trying to establish balance between working full time, training, spending time with my family and being a mommy. I was literally stretching myself thin and wasn't getting enough rest. One of the major setbacks I faced was when I relocated to Los Angeles. In the midst of transitioning my life, I gained about 35 lbs. This was a result of the stress that comes with moving. I absolutely cannot stand moving and having 35 extra pounds on bothered me even more. So, about 7 months later, I stepped on stage again- I lost all the weight I gained and won the overall bikini championship at the Lou Ferrigno show in Palm Springs. Thankfully, I've never had an injury to prevent me from training. I've had aches and pains, but nothing I haven't been able to work through.
4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like? (With any particular protocols you rate)
I'm currently training 5 days a week and I take a yoga class once a week and rest one full day. I've always followed a restricted nutrition plan for the stage and usually intuitively eat when I'm not prepping for a show. I recently started counting macros (with the guidance of my coach-Jamie Bernard), so I have flexibility in my nutrition. The difference between intuitively eating and flexible eating is my nutrition is tracked (counting macros).
5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition? (And How has it changed your focus for the future)
Every year is about being a student to life, especially, in the field of study one is involved with. I'm learning more about nutrition as I am studying for my certificate. The more knowledge I gain in nutrition, the better I will be able to serve those who are interested in making healthy eating choices.
6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?
I really enjoy eating frozen yogurt as a treat! And I mean who doesn't love a good slice of Pizza- Hawaiian being my favorite??!!! Im also always down for some really good sushi too! I can grub! I'm not picky, except for peas...don't put peas in front of me :0
7) Whats one supplement that you could not live without?
hmmm....this is a difficult question because there are so many supps that are helpful with bodybuilding. I'd have to say I wouldn't be able to live without SteelFit BCAAs. They are crucial in repairing the muscle and they also help me get in my gallon of water on a daily basis. I also can't live without my Sportformula raw vitamins-they provide me with raw vitamins and minerals to give my body that boost on a daily basis.
8) If you had to start your Journey from scratch with both your health & physique what would you do differently and why?
Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing. I have been on this journey for 6 years and everything happened the way it did as it was supposed to. My learning experiences have shaped me into the athlete, family woman and business woman I am today. Im grateful for the highs and the lows!
9) Who do you look upto in the fitness industry and why?
I have a few people in the fitness industry whom I look up to!
Lauren Simpson is a fitness queen who portrays strength, beauty and is a boss babe! She is down to earth and is a sweet soul!
I also look up to Angelica Teixeira- former Ms Bikini Olympia. I had an to opportunity to meet Angelica and was also able to observe her interactions with other competitors. Angelica radiates a light that is so attractive to everyone she comes into contact with. She is a phenomenal competitor and is a phenomenal representative of how one should carry herself in the fitness industry.
My last fitspo is Daraja Hill! Ive been watching her closely for the last year and she has transformed her body in such a short period of time-but that's not the only reason I admire her. She is awkwardly funny, 100% transparent and overall just a really cool individual! She has a bright future and I look forward to meeting her one day soon!
10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?
if you are one who is just starting out, ask yourself why are you doing this? if you aren't doing this for yourself, don't start. It will come to an end soon anyways-if its for someone else. If you are doing this for you, are you all in? Living a healthy life is not something you should do short term or whenever you "feel like it." It's a daily commitment.
So, if you are committed to healthy living, do your research, set some long term and short term goals and get started! if you aren't sure where to start even after doing some research, look into hiring a coach who has experience-someone who will properly guide you and hold you accountable along the way. its always helpful to have guidance. Lastly, take pictures! trust me when I say you will be grateful for taking progress photos. You will have those days where you feel "stuck" even in the midst of working hard. You will have days where you want to quit. if you can't look in the mirror and see the progress you've made, comparison pictures are life savers! They will show you even the smallest changes and remind you that you are a bad ass and to keep going! On the flip side, don't be alarmed if you fall off the wagon....these pictures will also reveal where you are falling short. But don't be discouraged-each day is a new opportunity to start again if you get off track. Just don't make getting off track a habit:)
11) What new goals do you have on the horizon?
My current desire is to experience growth in all aspects of my life-spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically, mentally, with my family-as a mom, companion, daughter, sister, cousin and friend. I just want to be a better individual all around.
12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts)
I can be found here:)
IG: bikinibarbie24
FB: Chyanne Eve