I am originally from Lithuania but I have lived in UK for 13 years now. I work in purchasing in oil and gas industry and part time work as sports massage therapist. I have 2 sons who are 18 and 12 years old. Majority of my time go to my training but when I have time I love riding a motorbike and go hiking.
2) How many years have you been training? (Including how you got started, etc)
My training started 6 and a half years ago. Before that I haven't done any training at all. I started training in military outdoors camps (for 1.5 years), then I joined Crossfit which I did for 9 months and left as I needed to become stronger. Then I did powerlifting for 3 years where i was competing internationally and travelling all over the world. But I wasn't satisfied as I was strong but I wasn't fit so 2 years ago I came back to Crossfit where I can be strong and fit :)
3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)
The hardest part was to grow mentally. It's not so simple just go and compete, it takes a lot out of you, you have to know how to deal with nerves that to perform in the competition, you have to believe in yourself. It was difficult to compete internationally without knowing how to deal with stress and nerves and once I nearly bombed out because of that. After that I started reading a lot of books, working with myself that to learn to deal with difficult stressful situations and perform as best as possible.
4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like? (With any particular protocols you rate).
I train 5 times a week twice a day (in the morning at 6am before work and in the evening at 6pm). In the morning I do cardio workouts and in the evening strength and cardio. I eat 3000 kcal a day. I eat in small portions 6 meals a day (trying to split protein intake equally for every meal).
5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition? (And How has it changed your focus for the future).
I have learnt not to afraid to eat a lot as consuming a lot of calories helped my performance. My strength went over the roof. I track my macros and by sticking to them it made a big difference not only to my performance but also the way I look as I became leaner.
I have learnt that by doing more training in Crossfit I will become better and my body will get used to the volume and competitions which are over few days won't feel as bad.
6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?
I absolutely love chocolate croissant so once in a while I will eat it :)
7) Whats one supplement that you could not live without?
My main supplement is Strawberry Protein Powder from Icon Nutrition. It would be difficult to get enough protein every day without it.
8) If you had to start your Journey from scratch with both your health & physique what would you do differently and why?
I would start eating a lot of calories straight away as it would help to perform, train, recover and grow muscles.
9) Who do you look upto in the fitness industry and why?
I look up to Sara Sigmunds as she is strong, fast and beautiful with all those muscles.
10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?
Listen to your coach, learn the basics and watch yourself grow strong, fast and the most important thing - enjoy the journey as it takes time to grow.
11) What new goals do you have on the horizon?
My new goals are: 1. Not to come last in the Strength in Depth competition in January where I am competing as individual. 2. Perform not worse than I did in qualifiers in European Championships in February 3. Qualify for The Crossfit Games as this year I finished 2nd in Lithuania 4. Address the weaknesses which were shown during Crossfit Open
12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts)
Instagram - @rutastrong
Facebook - Ruta Lendraitiene