Monday 26 March 2018

12 Questions with Olympic Weightlifter Olivia Blatch

1) Who is Olivia Blatch? (where are you from, what do you do, a bit about yourself (hobbies, etc)

I am 25 years old and born and raised in Bexley, Kent. I studied Geography & Sport Science at Loughborough University before returning home to get a full time job in the big smoke that is London. My hobbies include walking on my hands, lifting heavy things and baking! I'm currently an Olympic Weightlifter in the -58kg class and loving every minute of it!

2) How many years have you been training?

Since I was born... or so it feels like! I originally started training from the age of 4 as a Gymnast, at the Europa Gymnastics Centre. After gaining various regional/ national titles, I gradually progressed to competing at elite level at numerous English and British Championships, before retiring at the grand ol' age of 22 (basically a pensioner of the sport!) I spent a mere week not training and feeling sorry for myself before going next door (literally across the corridor) to the Europa Weightlifting Gym and announcing to Andy Callard (my current coach) that I was ready to give Weightlifting a bash! Andy had tried to recruit me from age 13 so his response was "About time!"

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)

From starting life as a Gymnast I've had a number of Injuries, resulting in being on crutches more than once! The worst injury was a complete rupture of my Achilles tendon. Initially I had thought that was the end of the road which was heart-breaking after only recently qualifying for the British Championships. But deep down I knew I just wasn't done yet! After rehabbing hard and a year out of competition I returned to compete at my first Gymnastics British Championships, hungrier and better than before! It just goes to show that 'tough times don't last... tough people do!'

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like?

Squats, pulls, some more squats, Clean and Jerk, Snatch and Squats. Erm... did I mention squats? As for diet, I'm pretty lucky in that I can eat what I want, apart from when I am building up to competition where I try to clean up the diet in order to make weight at -58kg. I'm also slightly addicted to coffee for which I have the 'Barbell Coffee Company' to thank for keeping me caffeinated!

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition?

To stop being such a perfectionist! It's impossible to go heavy every day and expect to not miss any lifts. Sometimes rest days are just as important and it's not just you being 'lazy' so listen to your body and don't beat yourself up about taking some time out.

6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?

Do I really have to only pick one?!

I would probably have to say anything that resembles a carbohydrate! But post-comp I do like to have a bit of a blow out with some sugary treats e.g. Ice-cream, cookies, cereals, peanut butter and Nutella ❤... you know, the stuff I've been avoiding for weeks in order to cut!

7) Whats one supplement that you could not live without?

I actually don't take any supplements, most often because I have a terrible memory and forget to take them! However, I do love a good Vit. C tablet to keep my immune system topped up!

8) If you had to start your Journey from scratch with your health & physique what would you do differently and why?

I'm not sure I would do anything to differently. I'm a big believer in that you shouldn't have any regrets so I wouldn't change the fact I did Gymnastics for so long as I loved it and finished on a real high BUT (there's always a but!) I do wish I had taken up Weightlifting a lot sooner. Weightlifting has really changed my body for the better, I'm more toned and fitter than I have ever felt before

9) Who do you look upto in the fitness industry and why?

I don't have anyone specifically in the fitness industry who I look up to. I tend to look at the people around me for inspiration. I find my coach Andy Callard and my training partners, especially Emily Godley great role models. Not only did they work alongside reaching such a high level in Weightlifting but they also have remained incredibly humble which is a trait I really value.

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?

Surround yourself with positive training partners who push you to be the best you can be. If you are the strongest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room! Train alongside people who lift more than you with ease and soon enough you'll find yourself being able to share a barbell with them and spurring them on in the process.

11) What new goals do you have on the horizon?

My goal for 2018 was to represent GB...and I was lucky enough to have my dream come to life pretty early on! This March I will be flying to Bucharest, Romania to represent GB at the European Championships which will be my first international. It might be my first, but I'm sure going to work hard to make sure it's not my last! My overall main goal is to represent England at the 2022 Commonwealth Games which is to be held in Birmingham. My Grandparents live there and to have them in the audience would be pretty darn special!

12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts)

Twitter: @OBlatch
Instagram: @oliviablatch

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................