Friday 12 January 2018

12 Questions with Nicola Joyce

1) Who is Nicola Joyce? (where are you from, what do you do, a bit about yourself (hobbies, etc)

I’m involved in the industry a couple of ways: through work and through my hobbies and lifestyle. As a freelance copywriter, I help fitpros and fitness businesses communicate more clearly (and make more money!) And then away from work, I train year-round and compete in bodybuilding and strength sports. I live in the UK (right down in the south east corner - I can see car headlights in France from here).

2) How many years have you been training?

I’ve been training for hypertrophy since 2010, but I’ve done some kind of sport since I was a kid. My first memory of “doing sport” is training with a local swimming squad at about 7 years old. I’ve done various sports at amateur level: running, cycling, triathlon, open water/Channel swimming, powerlifting, and bodybuilding.

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)

I haven’t had any major injuries - touch wood - but now I’m in my 40s this is definitely at the front of my mind. I injured my sacrum a few years ago, which was the worst pain I can remember! I couldn’t walk immediately after that, and had a lot of physio. It doesn’t affect my training now, but I have a healthy level of respect for the deadlift bar! As a female who actually wants to be muscly, I’ve had my fair share of weird comments or misplaced concern. But I’ve never let any of that affect me or stop me. There hasn’t really been anything for me to overcome…. the natural muscle gain journey can be frustratingly slow at times, but that is part of the appeal to me. It’s an ongoing and never ending process!

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like?

At the moment, I’m focusing on frequency with a push/pull/legs type split rather than a more traditional body part split. I usually train 5 times a week (push, pull, legs, upper, and lower). I train at two fantastic independent bodybuilding gyms, both of which have amazing equipment and a very motivating atmosphere. Sessions start with compound lifts, and then move into isolation or single joint movements. My main problem is keeping a lid on volume, but as I get older I am trying to listen to the sensible voice in my head! In terms of diet, I just try to stick to calories and protein numbers unless I am actually dieting down for a show. I don’t ban or cut out any foods, but obviously as my calories come down during a diet phase, I use them more wisely so I get more “bang for my buck”. Although I am a flexible dieter, I do always prioritise health and nutrition.

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition? 

This past year has been a year off (from competing) so I have had plenty of time to experiment with nutrition and go in hard with training. I moved from a body part split approach to a frequency based style of training, and I can definitely see the benefits. At the end of last year, I ate vegan for a month (just out of curiosity). That month taught me a lot: it helped me break lazy or sub optimal aspects of nutrition that I’d slipped into out of habit, and it got me cooking a lot more.

6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?

If I’m going out for a “cheat” type of meal, I’d go for pizza or a good burger. If I’m being more refined, it would be steak or a fancy fish meal. I don’t really have a sweet tooth, I’d definitely have a starter and a main rather than a main and a dessert if I had to choose.

7) one supplement that you could not live without? Are we calling protein powder a supplement?

I could live without it, but life would be a lot less convenient. The only supplements I take are a good fish oil, Vitamin D, and creatine. This is the first year I’ve really given creatine a chance (I had previously decided that I must be a non-responder, and then realised I had never taken it consistently…)

8) If you had to start out from scratch with your physique what would you do differently and why? 

When I started training, there was no Instagram and I didn’t really know any other bodybuilders via social media. This is a good thing, but also meant I wasn’t absorbing great advice and ideas. I think the one thing I would have done was join a proper bodybuilding style gym sooner, got a solid hypertrophy plan and just stuck with it. But I don’t have any regrets - I learned from some great people and enjoyed the process of finding my own way.

9) Who do you look up to in the fitness industry and why?

The people I admire most aren’t necessarily great athletes, or hot bodies (although some of them do have that!) They are all intelligent, curious, interesting and interested people who want to move the industry forward to a better place. That’s what I admire. Integrity, values, and a collective wish for a healthier and smarter industry.

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?

Be patient, and enjoy yourself. Don’t take it (or yourself) so seriously: “the gym” is an important part of life, but it’s not your whole life.

11) What new goals are on the horizon?

This past off season has mostly been about growing and improving my business (I’m lucky that doing so keeps me in close contact with the industry). I will compete in bodybuilding again - I still have unachieved goals - but I don’t know when. I am curious to see what improvements I’ve made under this off season layer! So the main goal will be bodybuilding, but I will probably do a strongman or low-level powerlifting comp along the way if something comes up.

12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts)

Apart from “in the Hammer Strength leg press”, people can find me all over social media as “thefitwriter”. My blog has a ton of content (it’s very old!) about training, competing, etc - that’s And I’d love to connect with people on Insta

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................