Friday 12 January 2018

12 Questions with Rueben Aryiku (Grenade Fit)

1) Who is Reuben Aryiku? (where are you from, what do you do, a bit about yourself (hobbies, etc)

My name is Reuben Aryiku, I was born in Surrey and have recently moved to Chichester. From a young age I played a lot of football but often got injured so I knew I wasn’t going anywhere far haha, I then turn my football passion in to a gym passion where I started training with friends for fun. I used go gym and train arms and maybe chester once/twice a week on and off because I enjoyed it so much I then brought a set of dumbbell from argos for my bedroom. Every night before I went to bed I would religiously do my dumbbell bicep curls. Months later my arms started getting to a decent size and I was getting compliments often and that’s how my addiction for the gym started. I went to Loughborough Uni and trained at the amazing gym called powerbase. After I finished I was in a lot of debt so I had no choice but to get a job not a career but a job after being at this job for 1 year I realised it was not for me and I quit just literally quit. I then booked a personal training course because I was passionate about helping people and I knew if im doing a “job” I enjoy doing it wouldn’t feel like a job. If I didn’t become a personal trainer I would currently be trying to get in to the Fire Service, I have always been one to set goals. Anyway I Started off at a Pure Gym in Surrey for a few months then managed to land myself a role at Jamie Aldertons gym Grenade Fit in Chichester which is where im currently at and im loving life and transforming lives.

2) How many years have you been training?

I have only been a personal trainer for only 1 year but have been training for over 7 years. The amount I have learnt over this past year has been ridicules not only from training clients but from other people who I have been mixing with. I believe the people who you surround yourself with are the people you tend to learn from and I like being around people who are more intelligent than me because then I feel like I have to up my game.

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)

When I have to move from Surrey where EVERYONE knows who I am to moving to Chichester in West Sussex where I don’t know anyone and no one knows who I am. I spent the first 4 months of building up a solid clientele at pure gym then having to start all over again with no clients and people with more knowledge than me whilst being self employed so if I didn’t build up my clientele quickly I wouldn’t be able to afford to pay bills and live. This was defiantly a very challenging/ risk taking part of my life baring in mind I was commuting 100miles a day in order to get to my new place of work.

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like?

Workout I got through phases at the moment im following a split routine, I used to do a bro split which consisted of working each muscle group but over time I have learnt new way to target muscles twice a week which maximises progress and muscle gain. Diet haha Where do I begin. I DO NOT TRACK but I intuitively eat when I was shredded and I told people I didn’t track everyone was SHOCKED but I know my body well enough in order get myself in a certain condition before I need to start tracking but I didn’t manage to get myself photoshoot ready without tracking a single macro.

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition?

I have learnt TOOO much, I believe its down to the people you associate yourself with like I was saying previously surround yourself with people who are going to influence you and you will learn tons. Not only that there is so much information out there but there are people and specific seminars and educational providers that I have also learnt loads from to.

6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?

I don’t have a favourite cheat meal I eat what I want and when I want. You just got to be smart anything in moderation is applicable.

7) one supplement that you could not live without? 

Probably think I’m crazy but I don’t take supplements to If I did it would probably be creatine would be my go to. Every so often I may take a preworkout but I don’t religiously take supplements in order to help me progress. I feel like I get enough through good consistent training and good food. 

 8) If you had to start out from scratch with your physique what would you do differently and why? 

AMAZING QUESTIONS. I would off 1000% hit my legs and calves as much as I hit my biceps ahaha. They aren’t small but they could be bigger. But honestly I wish I knew more about symmetry and proportion. My physique would be amazing if I had the knowledge now back then.

9) Who do you look up to in the fitness industry and why?

Arnold Schwarzenegger – One of the very first bodybuilders and made a name for the sport Simeon Panda – I have always looked up to him and watch his stuff I love how he’s trains and love the fact he’s brought out a clothing line and is pretty much living the dream AJ Ellison – Muscle Model Champion absolutely crazy physique and very humble guy Kai Green – Met him a couple time and very humble to, he know what he wants and is a true legend. Callum Von Moger – Funniest guy in the fitness industry, He has an absolutely phenomenal physique but has also got some serious banter.

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?

To people starting out don’t skip leg day ahaha. No seriously track everything and focus on technique not weight, follow a plan and stay consistent the first 1year of lifting is where your going to make most of your gains so learn the right way and leave the ego at home.  

11) What new goals are on the horizon?

Looking to compete in a bodybuilding show later on this year. Watch this space. Hopefully building up my brand Reubizzle and transform more lives.

12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts) 

 Social Media 
Instagram : ReubenAryikuFitness 
Facebook: Reubizzle 

Motto of then century Don’t Wish for it Work For it.

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................