Sunday 14 January 2018

12 Questions with Fraer Morrow

1) Who is Fraer Morrow? (where are you from, what do you do, a bit about yourself (hobbies, etc)

I'm a 19 year old weightlifter from Doncaster currently studying sport science and sport massage therapy. My favourite thing to do anything sporty/outdoors and I love shopping!

2) How many years have you been training?

I have been training for 3 years altogether.

3) Whats been the most challenging/hardest part of your journey so far? and how have you overcome them (set backs, rejections, injuries, basically anything difficult that you have had to overcome)

The most challenging part has been moving away from home and living in loughbrough and also finding time to juggle weightlifting, my studies and a job.

4) What does your typical workout/diet routine look like? 

My workouts change with the block that im in running up to a competition but usually there is a split between technical, strength, bodybuilding and rest. With diet that also varies as when it's 8 weeks from competition that's when I start my cut to 53kg.

5) What new knowledge have you learned over this past year regarding training, lifestyle and nutrition? 

With training I have learnt that I need to be more patient with it as you don't just become strong over night. Lifestyle I have learnt that it is important to time manage correctly and do anything that avoids being stressed out/tired and nutrition I have been to see a nutritionist (Cain Leatham) and I have now happy and more confident about cutting down to my weight class.  

6) Whats your favourite cheat/Treat meal?

Mac n Cheese!

7) one supplement that you could not live without?

 There isn't really one that I couldn't live without but if I didn't have my protein I would struggle to hit my protein intake daily.

8) If you had to start out from scratch with your physique what would you do differently and why?

I would have been to see my nutritionist sooner. After seeing him my training and competing have increased. 

9) Who do you look upto in the fitness industry and why?

I don't have anyone specific that I look up to, I love watching everyone from all different sports.

10) If you had to give one bit of advice to people starting out what would that be?

Be patient when learning how to weightlift! Remember that it is important to get the technique right before being able to lift heavy weights and also enjoy it, it's a fun sport.

11) What new goals are on the horizon?

I have just qualified for the commonwealth games 2018 in April, I also hope to compete as world juniors again this year and in the long run be part of the Olympic team 2020.

12) Where can people find you? (website, social media accounts) 

Instagram is- fraer53kg
Facebook- fraer morrow

LATEST 12 QUESTIONS BELOW....................